The First 5 days of the Week are the Hardest!

Good day sweet readers! ahhh! Monday. I think somewhere I heard that the first 5 days of the week are the Do you agree? Well, I got a super late start today. I want to share something for those on the go. I have had to get creative with making food because of the complicated health issues of my MIL. Interesting though is that this is the way we should actually be eating if we don't want to add on to the risk of attaining diseases. Anyways, here is a quick way to get in your fiber, carbs, good fat, protein and calcium which I make for myself. I had to make mine without milk this one time because my MIL is taking an antibiotic that you can't have milk with and I was too lazy today to cook two separate ones.


1/4 Cup of Oatmeal
1/4 Cup of non-fat milk powered (if you are lactose intolerant, just add an additional cup of water instead of milk)
1Cup of Water
2 Tablespoons of Almond Butter
2 Tablespoons of honey or to your taste.


1. Bring water to a boil. Then lower heat to a low-medium setting
2. Add oatmeal, sprinkle some cinnamon, add milk powder in slowly, stir and let it simmer until oatmeal is tender.
3. Pour into a mug, add almond butter and stir until it's dissolve.

Nutritional Info:

Calories 455
Carbs 54
Protein 17.5
Fiber 6
Calcium 33%  (of our American Nutritional Value recommendation)

Here are some interesting notes I have picked up in my health discovery journey:

- Dr. Oz says that having protein within the hour for waking will kick start your day with energy.
- Martha Stewart says that you can add non-fat powdered milk to your soups and yogurt to give your food a higher kick of calcium.

Let me know if you tried it!

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