I first learned about designer Zeba Ramos last year when she posted a pic of herself at TEXWORLD looking for fabric for collection. Well, I have learned that she has launched and there are three things I love about this launch. 1. She is contributing to the fast growing number of upcoming Muslimah designers here in the U.S. 2. I love the fact "MADE IN USA" Both her garments and fabric are made here. 3. Her designs are wearable and up-to-trend on the movement of muslimah style clothing. Oh! may add another one, by the looks of her last name, I can tell she might be a revert with a Latina background(me too!)Makes it that extra special for me<3

"Zeba Ramos is the founder and designer of Zeba Ramos Clothing. Zeba was born and raised in Vancouver, B.C. Canada and moved to NY in 2007. Living in New York she is highly influenced by the urban culture and also by the casual life style of Vancouver."  -  Zeba Ramos

*The initiative behind the designer spotlight posts is to learn about our designers and their work to prevent ourselves from buying counterfeit, recreations or imitations. 

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  1. Love the bishop sleeves on the purple dress. Thanks for posting! ASA

    1. You are welcome and thank you for stopping by:-)
